Gymnast of the month – Coach Stephanie – July

Mini Advance

Robyn Seal

Robyn has worked very hard to learn her routine. She puts 100% in to everything she does and never complains. When she is asked to change her technique she takes on what is said and immediately try’s to change it. She is always helping the younger gymnasts whenever shed can.

Isabella Smith


Isabella has been working very hard on her badge work. Even though she hasn’t completed some of her skills it hasn’t put her off. She has been so determined to get her badges she will always ask to practice. She is seen to always be working and never complains. She is very helpful within the class and often offers to help me step up/set down circuits and helps the other gymnasts when they are stuck.


Whitney Koomson

Whitney has worked hard to develop the artistry within her routine. She has listened to any feedback and taken it all on board. She has been able to taken on feedback about her vault and will soon be able to do this on her own. Whitney is always willing to learn and has learnt a few new skills this month.

Saturday Beginners 1

Louise Nicoll

Louise has worked very hard this month with all of her skills. She is very keen to learn and will always take on any advice given to her. She will always try her best with anything that thinks thrown at her.


Saturday Beginners 2

Pippa Wells

Pippa has worked very hard this month on her basic skills. She is desperate to improve her basic skills and begin to learn more complex skills. She ensures everyone in her group is ok and knows what they are doing.

Lyla Blanchard

Saturday Novice 2

Lyla has worked really hard on her basic skills this month. As she has recently moved up into this class she as found her basic were not quite their and has wanted to improve them. She has given 100% in everything she done and never complains when it gets tough.

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