Monday Novice
4:45pm – 6:45pm
Albert Stanley
Albert has always got a great energy and excitement about training and learning and is gonna try his best with everything he does in the gym.
Tuesday intermediate 5pm – 8:30pm
Ekaterina Frolova
Ekaterina has been working really hard on her skills and focusing on her body shapes that are getting much better.She has also been doing a great job at helping others.
Wednesday Novice 5pm – 7pm
Ophelia Turcan
Ophelia is such a hard worker and is always trying her best and asking questions to ensure that she is doing the right thing and is great at working independently as well as working in groups.
Thursday Novice
6:15pm – 8:15pm
Charlie Limoi
Charlie has always got a big smile on his face and really seems like he loves learning and he’s always putting 100% effort into all the skills we are learning.
Saturday Novice 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Jessica Hawkins
Jessica has worked really hard this month and her confidence has improved a lot lately.She also takes advice very well and corrects everything that is said to her.
Saturday Beginners
12pm – 1pm
Ray Sullivan
Ray has been improving a lot recently because of his hard work and his concentration on all the skills has gotten so much better