Leadership Academy
Get involved …


The Leadership Academy is run by Steph with the occasional support from Sarah. The Academy has been set up to inspire young people to get involved with the running of the club. We want to give all participants the chance to develop their skills and knowledge.

The Leadership Academy helps with the progression of young people in Coaching, Judging, Events, Publicity/ Promotion, Health & Safety/Welfare and Admin/Management. It provides development of every day skills to being able to support young aspiring gymnasts. The Leadership Academy is aimed at people aged between 11 and 17 and have an interest in Gymnastics. You would be classed as a Young Leader and would work alongside our qualified coaches. You will be given a Logbook that will be filled out by yourself on your journey as a Young Leader. This will track your progress and help you to develop


By becoming a Young Leader you will develop you as a person and gain many skills. It has been disused by myself and Sarah the gains the Young Leaders will receive. These will include:

  • A First Aid Course. You will be put forward to complete a first aid course that allows you to carry out first aid when needed.
  • In house Courses. You will be put forward to complete basic coaching and judging pathway. This will develop your knowledge and skills. There is the chance for other basic qualifications.
  • A online Safeguarding and Protecting Children course. This can only be done once you have reached the age of 16
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award. This scheme can be completed whilst doing your Young Leader duties and signed of by a Coach.
  • Improve your CV. The Leadership Academy allows you to add to the amount of qualifications you have received for your CV.
  • Make new friends. You have the chance to work with people that are in different groups and develop a friendships.
  • Reward days. Days out as a group will be organised by Steph and Sarah for those Young Leaders who have attended all their required sessions and completed the required areas within their Logbooks. This will be done every 6 months and activities will be based on the Young Leaders choice.
  • The chance to gain new qualifications. If you are seen to do well within the Leadership Academy it would be discussed whether you are a candidate to be put through British Gymnastics Coaching and Judging qualifications. This could allow you to  become a trained full time coach for the club. This will only be done if committed and interest is shown.

If you are interested in joining the Leadership Academy please email stephbrocklehurst.ggc@gmail.com

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If you are interested in any of the classes or would like to find out more, please contact us on or call 01634 843431.

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