Gymnast of the month – Coach Adam – November

Monday Beginners
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Rosie Drake

Rosie has worked really hard this month and has gained so much confidence within the class and improved greatly with all her basic skills.

Tuesday advanced
5:00pm – 8.30pm

Lily Bennett

Lily has shown great improvement over the month and is always working hard on all the skills that we do. She is always very positive and happy to give everything a go. She also tries her best with all the conditioning and doesn’t complain and is a delight to teach.

Wednesday Novice
5pm – 7pm

Dhiya Nagarajan

Dhiya has worked so hard this month considering she hasn’t been in the class very long she has improved a lot especially on her vault. She is also very positive all the time and enjoys learning new things.

Thursday Novice
6:15pm – 8:15pm

Rebecca Davis

Rebecca Has worked a lot this last month to improve her handstand flatbacks and because of this hard work she can now do them perfectly not only the hard work but she never gave up trying. showing confidence and the willingness to learn

Saturday Novice
1:30pm – 3:30pm

Florence Edge

Florence has shown a big improvement this month especially on her basic skills and she has also passed a new badge that she tried very hard to get. She is a very keen worker and likes to challenge herself with new skills.

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